Meet Mrg

Hi, I’m Mrg Simon. I’m a professional organizer & KonMari Certified Consultant.®

As a professional organizer, I help clients transform their homes and offices into tidy, efficient spaces that serve their needs well.

In the process, I can see a great burden lifted from their shoulders, replaced with a feeling of lightness and a personal sense of joy in their day-to-day lives. Intentional living brings that joy and meaning to your entire life, not just your tidy home.

Here’s a short look at how I got here–illustrated, of course!

It all started with a blank notebook.

For years I’ve been taking a blank notebook and writing in the months, weeks, and days, and peppering it with inspirational quotes and drawings of my own. Some elaborate, some simple. But it gave the planner a character all its own.

With a little help from my friends…

My friends oohed and ahhed when they saw my annual planner– they’d never seen anything like it before. I started to think it could be the perfect framework for the step-by-step guide to intentional living that I’d been thinking about.

From me for you!

With encouragement from my friends, my hand-drawn annual planner became what is now My Intentional Year 2024: Organizing My Life for Joy and Meaning. I hope it can help you bring joy and purpose into your life through intentional living.

Before becoming a Consultant, I practiced law for over 30 years. With the brains of a lawyer and the soul of an artist, I know business and I know design. Truth be told, I've been tidying and organizing since I was a kid – my mother was an organizing force of nature! I've tried all sorts of approaches for it all, and my experience has taught me to become more focused on my vision to achieve a genuinely joyful personal and work life. You can learn more about my KonMari consulting on my Designed 2 Stick website.

A note about my name: Mrg rhymes with berg. It is written in upper and lower case: Mrg. It is not MRG.

A note about the images: the images on this page are from some of my older planners.